The Community Security Trust (CST) is the British Jewish Community’s defence organisation and exists to protect the Community from antisemitism and terrorist threats borne out of extremism and hatred.

CST’s work covers many different areas. It provides security for Synagogues, schools and other communal organisations, by offering security training, advice and support to Jewish Communities across Britain. It works with people across the full Jewish spectrum, from strictly orthodox through the whole range of progressive and secular Jewry.
CST’s network of over 3,000 trained volunteers protects approximately 1000 Jewish Community events, large and small, every year.
CST in Bournemouth
BCHC (as well as Bournemouth Reform Shul) have their own dedicated teams that liaise with each other when necessary.
The BCHC team is keen to recruit new members and especially welcomes ladies. For further information please email cst@bournejewish.com.
(Some of the above text is by kind permission of Mark Gardner, CST’s Chief Executive).