

Ruach, the magazine of the Bournemouth Community Hebrew Congregation, has over the years graduated from being The Wootton Gardens Review, a publication produced on a Gestetner duplicating machine (ask your grandparents or Google it) with its black and white printed sheets stapled together by hand, to the glossy, commercially printed periodical our members receive today.

It is still dependent on volunteers to create a journal that gives its readers information about BCHC, including those who manage the Community, the fabric of the building, the activities taking place, secular as well as religious, and so forth.

Regular contributors are our Rabbi, the Chief Rabbi, the President of the Board of Deputies and the Synagogue President and recently the Trustees.

The magazine contains notices of celebrations of Simchot, but we also believe it is necessary to have obituaries for people who have given dedicated service to the Shul.

Ruach hopes to reflect a positive view of BCHC, by including reports of what takes place within its walls, but also endeavours to include events in the Community of interest to our members.

Over the years, articles have been included on the history of the local Jewish Community, other UK Jewish Communities, whose former residents came to live in Bournemouth and factual items by members who have visited Jewish Communities abroad.

From our contributors who forward articles covering a vast range of subjects, including their own views and experiences, poetry, recipes, humour and so forth, the Editors attempt to achieve an eclectic mix for our readers to enjoy.

Following publication, Ruach is available here on the BCHC website, and for those considering a move to Bournemouth, by reading its contents hopefully will learn and reflect on what a vibrant Community we are.

Ruach 2024


Rosh Hashanah

Ruach 2023



Rosh Hashanah




Rosh Hashanah






Rosh Hashanah






Rosh Hashanah


Chanukah 2017 Edition now available

Click here to download the Chanukah 2016 edition of Ruach, the community publication of the Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation.

Pesach 2017 Edition now available

Click here to download the Pesach 2017 edition of Ruach, the community publication of the Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation.

Chanukah 2016 Edition now available

Click here to download the Chanukah 2016 edition of Ruach, the community publication of the Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation.

Rosh Hashana 2016 Edition now available

Click here to download the Rosh Hashana 2016 edition of Ruach, the community publication of the Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation.

Chanukah 2015 Edition now available

Click here to download the Chanukah 2015 edition of Ruach, the community publication of the Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation.

Pesach 2015 Edition now available

Click here to download the Pesach 2015 edition of Ruach, the community publication of the Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation.

Chanukah 2014 Edition now available

Click here to download the Chanukah 2014 edition of Ruach, the community publication of the Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation.

Rosh Hashana 2014 Edition now available

Click here to download the Rosh Hashana 2014 edition of Ruach, the community publication of the Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation.

Pesach 2014 Edition now available

Click here to download the Pesach 2014 edition of Ruach, the community publication of the Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation.

Chanukah 2013 Edition now available

Click here to download the Chanukah 2013 edition of Ruach, the community publication of the Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation.

Rosh Hashana 2013 Edition now available

Click here to download the Rosh Hashana 2013 edition of Ruach, the community publication of the Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation.

Pesach 2013 Edition now available

Click here to download the Pesach 2013 edition of Ruach, the community publication of the Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation.

Pesach 2012 Edition now available

Click here to download the Pesach 2012 edition of Ruach, the community publication of the Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation.