Sponsoring Kiddush
If you are considering being kind enough to sponsor a Kiddush, we will be delighted to speak with you about your requirements, and specific details relating to the celebration, occasion, or commemoration that you are marking.
When possible, please make enquiries as many months ahead as possible, as certain dates in the year, get booked up way in advance.
We offer a standard Kiddush, with a variety of optional extras also available, in accordance with your requirements.
For further details please contact: kiddush@bhcshul.co.uk
All food and drink is supplied via the Shul Shop, in accordance with all kashrut requirements, with the exception of the whisky, which we ask you to supply.
All cooking carried out in the Shul Kitchens is fully under the supervision of Rabbi Alan and Rebbetzen Miriam Lewis.
Please note that all milk used in the Shul and for all events will always be Chalav Yisrael.
We look forward to hearing from you and celebrating with you.